Ultimate is a sport that is not very well known even though many people play, and you can find a pickup game almost anywhere in the world. I play pickup and have played on two women's teams (Muppet Madness, Pura Vida) and two co-ed teams (Savage, Nazgul) here in San Diego for the UPA Club Division from 2002-2007. All teams made it to Regionals, and it's been a lot of fun! I give kudos to those people who ran the teams (Animal, Pint, Reba, Darren and Mike). It's a ton of work and, like anything involving voluntary participation, sometimes it's like herding cats.
There are two great pickups games at lunch in the Carmel Valley area Tuesday through Friday. Everyone's pretty competitive and has a good time. We don't follow standard ultimate rules at either of these games, but it doesn't matter for the most part. Saturday there is Solana Beach pickup. This group has been playing for a long time. When I first joined them the level of play was pretty non-competitive (no stall count or hard marks), but as the experience of everyone grew, the competitiveness and structure did too. If you're interested in joining the Saturday pickup game, go to http://www.funultimate.com and join the yahoo group.
Here are some Ultimate links:
San Diego Ultimate information for Pickup Games and Local Tournaments
I've been going to St. Pat's Hat for almost as long as it's been going. I went to this tournament and it was my first time playing ultimate...ever. What an experience. Higly recommended.
Another fun beach ultimate tournament is Leiout in LA.
For more information on both of these tournaments go here http://www.laout.org
Here is a link to the Ultimate Players Association (UPA): http://www.upa.org
The eleventh edition rules brought some significant changes to certain aspects of the game. Check them out by clicking here. http://www.upa.org/ultimate/rules
Here is a funny video from Lucky 7s in Vegas Dec 2008. We played a team called Jackalope who had great spirit. Their "cheer" to us was a challenge to a game that I think they called slackjaw. 4 or 5 of our team members played against 4 or 5 of them. The object was to keep eye contact and a "slack jaw" (no laughing, etc...) while dancing to some music. The 2 finalists were both a girl and a guy from Jackalope. The girl who won matched the challenging guy in his unexpected move at the end.
This is a 2 part video. Click here for part I or right click that link and download the video by selecteding "Save target as...". It's pretty long. Part II is even better! Click here for part II or right click that link and download the video by selecteding "Save target as...". It's REALLY long.